learn how to identify animals and mammals by sign, tracks, and droppings with Lifesong Adventures using photographs and video’s.
Sign language – reading natures clues with Mark Wienert
Sign language – reading natures clues with expert tracker Mark Wienert BY GARRET JAROS For The Register-Guard Appeared in print: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2011, page D2 Tracking as a doorway […]
Animal Tracking
Animal tracking is an ancient skill developed by humans over eons of time. Tracking is a tool that helps us to follow wildlife such as Deer, Bear, or Raccoon. We […]
Predators Fang
Roosevelt Elk in Oregon clear-cut: “As poet Robinson Jeffers has noted, it is the fang that has created the fleet foot of the antelope.” Listed below is information about the […]
Visual Man Tracking
Visual Man Tracking in action: A Search and Rescue Tracker, applying ancient tracking skills, scans the area for clues that show “Spoor,” or evidence, of a lost person’s trail. What […]
Shadow Wolves
Shadow Wolves. “In brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight, for I am the Shadow Wolf” — U.S. Customs Patrol Officer motto. Shadow Wolves are children […]
How to Track Wild Animals
Tracking is a fun way to discover and learn about animals and their behavior. The more you track Animals the more you will learn about them and the life they […]
Mountain Lion Facts for Search and Rescue
The mountain lion, Felis concolor, or cat of one color, is also known as cougar, panther, ghost cat, catamount, and puma. The mountain lion is the largest feline carnivore in […]
Bears Bear Ursus
Bears bear Ursus. Spring is here and humans are exiting home and hearth while Bears leave their winter dens. Accidental encounters of a scary nature happen between humans and Ursus […]
Wing of bat, eye of newt….
Wing of bat eye of newt so the incantation may go. What is safe to eat and what is not. A good thing to know in any situation, and vital […]