Spring on the Oregon coast is a wonderful time of year. But with the warmer weather, unfortunately, come insects that are potentially dangerous to animals and humans. The dog tick […]
Best Survival Knife
Another technique I use with this knife for is splitting wood and making spindle blanks for the bow drill. I take a wooden mallet (usually a heavy piece of wood, throwing stick, or whatever I can find) to pound on top of the blade to control my splitting. The technique works very well with this blade, as long as I’m careful and stay away from large knots.
Giardia “One Gnarly Dude”
Just when you thought drinking water was safe, think again. Giardia “One Gnarly Dude,” is a disease of the intestine caused by drinking infected water. Giardia is also found in […]
Sharpening the Tracker Knife
Sharpening the Tracker Knife looks complicated, and it is at first sight. But read on for some simple tips on knife sharpening. The UKW Survivor pictured here is not the Tracker […]
Accidental Sourdough Starter
I looked skeptically into the jar I was holding. A whiff of fermentation greeted me. Small bubbles gave the surface of the sourdough starter a foamy look. I gave the […]
Make Drinking Water Safe
Learn how to make water safe to drink during an emergency. Water must be potable, drinkable, filtered, or boiled, to be safe to drink. Otherwise, you could become debilitated with […]
What should I take for a Wilderness Survival Weekend
This is the recommended gear list for our overnight Survival Skills Weekend and First Circle Survival Camp. All items on the checklist below are important for an enjoyable and comfortable […]